
Why Senator Mithika Linturi is in Trouble

Meru senator Mithika linturi has once again found himself in cruel hands of law over his Madoasoa
remark. The Controversial Dp Ruto ally made the remarks will attending the Deputy President Maga rally
in Sport Club Eldoret. In his address, Mithika urged residents to evict madoadoa.

” Watu wa Uashin Gishu, Vile nawaomba ni kwamba madoadoa yote iko hapa muweze kuiondoa,” he

The remarks were condemned by leaders. His statements were interpreted has incitement that can
castigate violence.

Mithika Lintu however apologized to the public saying that his utterances were wrongly interpreted. In a
long social media post, Mithika said that his speech was motivated by the enthusiasm of the crowd and
he did not mean to fuel violence.

The meru senator was arrested on Sunday 9 at Elka hotel in Eldoret. He was later transferred to Nakuru
were he spent the night.

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