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Money discipline not a easy walk, Morris Muriira

MONEY DISCIPLINE : It is a dream of everybody to be rich. Using the earnings we get regularly to create sources of income remains the most common and practical way of acquiring financial freedom.

This requires a serious saving and investment culture. While the dreams a remains a mirage to many, self-proclaimed financial discipline literalist Morris Muriira says this can easily be achieved through commitment to the key mission of becoming rich.

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Mr Muriira who boasts lots of achievement at a young age says his success is purely through though financial discipline. This includes sticking to his budget.

The problem with many youths is that they want to spend more than they can earn. You get someone earning 50K salary but struggling to live millionaire lifestyle. Unless they unleash themselves from such bondage, creating wealth will remain a dream,” he noted

Mr Muriira says peer pressure has never been his thing.

One principle that helps me is that I don’t allow my peer to influence me. I live true to my goals.”

How M’mukiira exhibited extra-ordinary money discipline

A story is told of one Merian tycoon M’mukira. Despite being a millionaire, M’mukiira observed money discipline that has never found a match. When in a journey  M’mukira would pay Ksh. 25 to hang on vehicles tailboard rather than getting into the vehicle and pay a full charge of Ksh. 50. In other occasions M’mukiira would never tea and mandazi in hotel. He would carry cooked yams or arrowroot so that he would only pay for tea.

According to Morris Muriira, this is the kind of discipline youths should adopt to attain financial freedom.     

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