
4 reasons that made Raila Odinga fail to clinch the presidential seat

Azimio la Umoja -One Kenya Alliance has suffered a big after Raila Odinga failed to secure the Presidential seat. The 2022 general elections was the fifth time Raila Odinga was hoping to clinch the Country’s top seat.

With the support of state and other key political figures, this was the elections Raila Odinga appeared too close to the seat.

The big shock came on 15th of August when IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati declared William Ruto the President elect. According to the figures provided by the Commissions’ chair, Ruto was leading with 7.176M votes followed closely by Raila with 6.9M votes.

Although the Azimio leader has disputed the results, many Kenyans have argued that the electoral process was free and fair.

The coalition supporters have however wondered what made Raila Odinga lose despite the huge support from the president.

Here are reasons why Raila Odinga failed to clinch the Presidential seat

1.Over reliance on President Uhuru

Uhuru and Raila Odinga 4 reasons that made Raila Odinga fail to clinch the presidential seat

Azimio la Umoja banked so much on President Uhuru support. The coalition believed that President Uhuru would influence Mt. Kenya votes. They believed that the ‘deep state system’ would ensure they win.

The Contrary happened. By the time Uhuru got into Mt. Kenya, Ruto influence had already poisoned the hearts of the residents. Many perceived Uhuru as a traitor who was on a mission to ‘sell’ them.

Mt.Kenya people overwhelmingly rallied behind Ruto in a bid  to ‘Punish Uhuru’.

The deep state neither did anything much.

2. The choice of Martha Karua.

Raila Odinga and Martha Karua 4 reasons that made Raila Odinga fail to clinch the presidential seat

The idea of choosing Martha Karua as Azimio la Umoja Deputy President designate was ill-fated. The assumption was Karua would deliver both Mt.Kenya votes and Women’s votes across the Country.

While she had positive impact on Raila Odinga’s campaign, Karua did not perform as expected. She failed to lock the entire Mt. Kenya votes. Infact, Ruto had more votes in her polling station than Raila Odinga.

An alternative choice would probably have been done better.

3.Biased Media and pollsters

Media and biased polls played a big role in Raila Odinga fail. A number of TV station would offer a 67% of airtime to Azimio la Umoja campaigns as compared to other Presidential Candidates.

On the other hand, Polls placed Raila Odinga way ahead of William Ruto. Towards the elections, most of the polls led by TIFA and INFOTRAK had  ruled out the possibility of William Ruto win.

While this may be overlooked, it had a lot of impact in the voting pattern. Raila Odinga supporters perceived him as a de facto President elect. William Ruto supporters perceived their Candidate as one who even a single vote would spoil his win.

During the voting day, some Raila supporters did not vote. According them, one vote would not spoil Raila’s win. After all he was way ahead of Ruto, according to the pollsters.

On the other, Ruto supporters overwhelmingly went to to vote. They had a feeling that loss of any single vote would mean a fail so they did not take chances.

ALSO READ: Beautiful Photos of Raila Odinga House

4.Raila Odinga losing Wetangula and Mudavadi.

4 reasons that made Raila Odinga fail to clinch the presidential seat

Raila should have done anything within his means to retain Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi.

The idea that that the formation of DAP-K by Wafula Wamunyinyi would deliver the entire western votes was misinformed.

The two have proved that they enjoy a lot of support in the Western Kenya.

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