
Rapper Prezzo Opens up on serving as MUNGIKI youth leader for 9 years

Popular Kenyan rapper, Jackson Ngechu Makini, affectionately known as Prezzo has opened up on how became a member of the dreaded Mungiki sect, and ended up serving in the position of Youth Leader for 9 year under the leadership of Maina Njenga, the former sect leader.

He disclosed that he was given the position by Maina Njenga at Karen, in a meeting organized by his brother (Maina Njenga brother).

“I received a call from Maina Njenga’s brother Andrew. He informed me that the Chairman (Njenga) wanted to see me. I asked why but he insisted that I go, adding that everything was ready for me,” Prezzo disclosed.

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According to Prezzo, the call brought a wave of depression to him as he was not sure what to do. His bodyguards convinced him to go.

After the call I got depressed. I shared with my bodyguards and they said ‘ Let’s go..How will you win if you don’t play. ” He narrated.

Upon arrival, Maina Njenga offered him the position of Mungiki Youth Leader. He accepted the offer despite having the reservations.

We arrived at Karen and Maina Njenga introduced me to the movement. He asked me to take the position of the Youth Leader, and who am to decline,” he said.

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Speaking during the interview, rapper Prezzo admitted that he served in the position for whooping 9 years.

“He entrusted me with responsibilities, and I served in that capacity for nine years. After our initial meeting, we proceeded to Limuru, where the police were alerted to our presence and dispersed us with tear gas.” he narrated.

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The outlawed group which majorly made of youths wreaked havoc in Nairobi, Rift Valley and Central, and left residents living in fear. The group was associated with killings and robbery.

The reign of terror was brought to an end through a serious crackdown led by the then non-nonsese minister for Interior, the late John Michuki. The crackdown led to death of several sect members.

The sect leader, Maina Njenga would turn over a new leaf, embracing salvation, putting the past behind him and becoming a pastor who preaches peace and love.

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