
Police With Masters Shocked That his seniors are classmates who scored D in KCSE

Imagine reporting to job with a Masters Degree and finding out that your seniors are your classmates who scored D. This is the true story of Julian Njagi.

After sitting for KCSE and scoring incredible results, Julian joined university head high, with hope of turning around his life. Armed with hope, he pursued Bachelor of Science Accounting and Finance. His dream was to land a lucrative job in one of Kenya’s leading firms.

After attaining an undergraduate degree, Julian went ahead and decorated his academic portfolio with a Masters Degree. Unknown to him, the fast growing rate of unemployment was awaiting him.

Julian Njagi joined thousands of jobless Kenyans with decorated academic papers. Several attempts to actualize his dream of getting a well-paying high end job did no bear fruits.

The circumstance forced him to apply for a job at Kenya Police Service. Luckily, he was accepted as a Constable, which is the lowest rank in police service.

When he reported to the station, he was shocked to find out that some of his seniors were his classmates who scored D in KCSE. Some were serving as corporals and inspector.

Despite all this, Julian Njagi who shared his story on social media, too the new job well, as it is the only way he can earn a living.

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