

Protecting yourself Against Infidelity In Marriage

Did you know that after you’ve married your wife, you will continue to see many women that seem
more beautiful, caring, loving and curvy than her.
And hey! Even for us Married women, we continue to see many men that are handsome, rich, with well
built bodies than our husband’s.

Because you are married won’t make these people to disappear into thin air. No! You will see them
everyday, in your offices, churches, market places, neighborhoods etc.

Dear Thriving Couples, you need to protect yourself. Some people don’t care whether or not you are
married. Now, if you don’t want to cheat on your partner, then you have to do something about it:

1.Exercise Self-control

Self-control means restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires.
In other words, it means to have control over your feelings or actions.
So, exercise control over your feelings and actions.Control your eyes. It’s okay to admire someone but
know when to stop. Don’t overlook.
Let your looking stop at admiration. I repeat, don’t overlook. You have the power to choose.

2. Set Boundaries

Mind the manner of conversation you have with an opposite sex. Know when to call or not to call except
in cases of emergencies.
Don’t stay together alone in one place or in an isolated environment.
Avoid too much closeness with the opposite sex. Too much closeness will trigger feelings. Limit unnecessary conversations. You’re setting yourself up for trouble.
The soup you don’t want to eat, don’t smell it!!!

3. Be Content With Your Partner

Lack of contentment is one of the sponsors of being an unfaithful partner.
Value your wife or your husband. Those other people that seem more attractive, caring, loving etc., are
not always like that. You don’t know the details.

4. Fear God

To fear God doesn’t mean to be afraid of God but to reverence God. That is, to have deep respect for
God is the One that instituted marriage and said that marriage bed should be undefiled.

Consider The Feelings Of Your Partner

When we put our partners in consideration when when we want to do some things, it will help us to
make the right decisions.

When you know that your partner will be pained, hurt, traumatized, betrayed and can even commit
suicide upon learning about your infidelity, you will think twice.

So consider how your partner will feel when you start misbehaving with that lady or guy. Consider.

There is nothing good, godly, admirable or honorable about infidelity in marriage. Avoid it. It better to walk away
honorably. God hates double standards.

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