Autopsy Reveals Cause of Daniel Koikai’s Death

Autopsy has revealed the cause of the death of Daniel koikai, the father of the late Reggae Enthusiast and media personality Jahmby koikai.

According to the reports, Daniel Koikai succumbed to self-inflicted injuries. Police detailed how he ended his life.

In details shared by TV47, Njambi’s father sent a text message to his eldest daughter Naserian Koikai, expressing regret over how things had unfolded.

The worrying message prompted Naserian to rush to her Father’s apartment, but the door was locked from outside. She gained access into the house through the window, only to be slapped with horrific scene of his father on ground, with a blood-stained knife dear him.

The late Daniel Koikai had a deep cut on his throat, revealing the nature of his death.

Ambassador Daniel Koikai was confirmed dead just a day after he penned an emotional tribute to his lovely daughter, the late njambi koikai who had succumbed to endometriosis. Daniel Koikai passed away while the burial of his daughter was ongoing at Lang’ata cemetery.

In his tributes he admitted that he failed his late daughter and the he regretted so much that he didn’t spend quality time with her. In his tributes he gave details on the role he had played in the life of the late njambi koikai.

“When times were good, we would go shopping and have lunch at some restaurants in the city, and you enjoyed meeting me very much. I deeply miss the good times we shared together.During the bad times, we would go days or months without talking, something I blame myself for and will always regret as I’ve lost the chance to make things right with you,” Mr. Koikai wrote.

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