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Woman narrates how she got a lucrative job after 4 years of desperation

Joseline Onyango is a testimony of the phrase ‘never give up in life’. She tried applying uncountable times, but even getting the first interview was a problem. Luck was not on her side.

Four years down the line, things hadn’t changed. She was getting tired of seeking employment. Life was quite unforgiving while all her close friends were living, making big moves career-wise.

After years of struggle in the city where she lived with a relative, Joseline opted to return to her rural home Onyango, a village in Siaya. After all, they say, “east or west home is the best”.

One of her uncles (maternal) called her to offer some advice. After a lengthy conversation, he insisted that for riches to start coming her way, she must believe in spells and luck charms.

Joseline had never heard of such things in her life, so she was curious about what he meant. Her uncle was kind enough to give all the juicy details about traditional herbalists.

For Joseline, these things only existed in the Nigerian movies she grew up watching. She was in shock that all this was real, but then she had no otherwise, and it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

She was a desperate and lonely person at this point. He insisted that she reach out to the renowned traditional herbalist Dr Kishimba Shimba through his number (+254 714995588). She called him and got an appointment the following day. The next day, she went to Dr Kishimba’s shop, where he performed a ritual and wealth cast spells.

Joseline went home, hopeful about the future for the first time in a while. Just a week after the visit, things started changing positively. She was invited for an interview in Kisumu city, and now Joseline has a permanent job paying a net salary of KSh 80,000 with health insurance, among other benefits that came with the job.

Life has never been the same for her, and she is almost buying my first car. The Kishimba doctors have vast experience in herbs. They have established themselves as unbeatable stars in re-uniting divorced or separated lovers, winning court cases, winning the lottery, enhancing family business, influencing promotions at work, managing cancer, and curing high blood pressure, ulcers, and asthma, among others.

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Many can attest Dr Kishimba has helped them. Are you facing any of these issues? Worry no more! For more information and inquiries, contact him now on 254714 995 588 and get your solution. Other contacts: WhatsApp 254714 995 588.

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