REVEALED: Details on Death Of Late Jahmby Koikai’s Father

Published News Kenya haa established that the father of the late Media personality Mary Jahmby Koikai’s father, Daniel Koikai has has passed on.

According to Mpasho News, Koikai allegedly passed away hours after issuing a passionate and emotional apology to her late daughter.

Reports have further revealed that the estranged father who sought forgiveness, passed on while the burial ceremony was underway at Lang’ata cemetery. While the cause of the death remains unknown, several Facebook post alleges that he committed suicide.

It’s alleged that Mr Koikai passed away at the time Jahmby Koikai’s burial ceremony was ongoing at Lang’ata Cemetery.

On June 14, Jahmby Koikai’s Father took the opportunity to apologize to his daughter for being an absent father. While acknowledging his shortcomings, Daniel Koikai sought for forgiveness for not standing with his daughter in fight against endometriosis.

Dear Njambi my daughter, the time has come for me to atone for my acts of omission or commission on your final journey from this world it has been one of the most difficult episodes in my life, especially for your close family members – your mother, sister aunts, uncles and colleagues in the media and friends in and out of the country.

“I will remember you in many ways and I ask here in public where I may not have fulfilled my duties as your Dad please forgive me, forgive me, and forgive me. And I pray that your soul will rest in Eternal Peace. Till we meet again bye-bye,” He said.

READ ALSO: Family of the late Jahmby koikai Reveals Why She will be buried in a public cemetery

Further, Daniel Koikai reminisced on good times he shared with his daughter. However, he also shared that there were bad times they went for months and days without communicating.

When times were good, we would go shopping and have lunch at some restaurants in the city, and you enjoyed meeting me very much. I deeply miss the good times we shared together.

During the bad times, we would go days or months without talking, something I blame myself for and will always regret as I’ve lost the chance to make things right with you,” Mr. Koikai wrote.

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