
Kithure Kindiki Brothers Who are all Professors

Interior Cabinet secretary Professor Kithure Kindiki is arguably one of the best legal minds in Kenya. The former senator for Tharaka Nithi boasts wealth of knowledge in the legal sector. Besides working in University of Nairobi as a lecturer, Kindiki has also served in various positions in the Kenyan government.

His story of success can be traced back to Irundini village in Mukothima Ward, Tharaka Nithi County, where he was born in 1972. He is the son of Reverend Daniel and Anne Kindiki.

After becoming of age, Kindiki who hails from a family of 9, began his academic journey at Kamatungu Boarding Primary School. He then proceeded to Lenana High and Tharaka Boys Highschool.

Thereafter, Kindiki joined Moi University where he attained Bachelor of Law in 1998. In 2001, he graduated with Diploma in Legal studies in 2001 from Kenya school of law.

Professor Kithure Kindiki is a holder of PhD in International Law, from University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Surprisingly, Kindiki is not the only academic giant in their family. His 4 brothers are all professors and all sisters are in various levels of attaining PhD.

In this article, Public News will take a look at the four brothers.

Kithure Kindiki brothers who are Professors

Professor Isiah Iguna Kindiki

After Kithure Kindiki, Isiah comes second as the most influential in the family because of his involvement in politics. In 2022 general elections, Isiah had a lot of influence in Raila-led Azimio-One Kenya Alliance.

Isiah is a soil specialist. He is a holder of PhD in Soil Science, Masters in Soil Science and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.

He is the current vice Chancellor and CEO of KCA university.

Professor Moses Mpuria Kindiki

Despite being born in a family that has produced key political figures, Moses leads a low-key life.

He is however an academic giant who has devoted his life in work and research.

He is a holder of PhD in Political Economy and Development.

Professor Nyaga Kindiki

Nyaga holds a PhD from the University of Birmingham, UK. He is an academic giants with many publications.

Prof Nyaga is currently serving as a full professor of International Education and policy at School of Education, Moi University.

Proffesor Stephen Kithinji Kindiki

He is yet another Kithure Kindiki’s brother who is a giant in academia field. He hold a PhD holder with wealth of Knowledge in literature.

Kithinji is a professor at Dayster University Department of Languages and Performing Arts.


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