
Geoffrey Otieno, 28, Builds A Helicopter

A 28 year old man has left Netizens in talks after building a helicopter from a scratch using scrap Metals. Geoffrey Otieno who hails from Rabongo Village, Siaya County has wowed Kenyans after sharing photos of his almost complete aircraft.

His journey to being the first Kenyan to build a Helicopter from a scratch began in 2019 when he began collecting various necessary parts.

According to his mother, Otieno first revealed intention to own a aircraft at a young age.

At class 5, he would always tell his siblings that one day he will fly them in a plane,” she said.

Even though his aeronautical engineering journey has had with fierce criticism and skepticism, Otieno has always been positive.

When I began constructing this machines, people around were so skeptical. They made fool of me but I have all along been positive,” Otieno said.

Geoffrey Otieno has further revealed that his innovation is purely inspired by the desire to own a aircraft. He has disclosed that he has never been close to a helicopter.

I only see helicopters on photos and videos. I have never been close enough to touch one,” he added.

The almost complete aircraft is decorated with strips of Kenyan flag colors. Despite not showing signs of soaring to the sky, Otieno is hopeful that if helped, he will fly it.

Geoffrey Otieno from Siaya builds a Helicopter jpg Geoffrey Otieno, 28, Builds A Helicopter

If I had a chance to meet an engineer and get his help, I would be flying it now.

Residents have now asked the government to harness the great potential in Otieno.

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