
Aron Ntisya ,”How I make millions from pixie farming.”

People in Kenya have come up with different ways of raising income.In this article,we are going to look at how Aron Ntisya makes millions of money from pixie farming. Aron Ntisya is a young entrepreneur located at the semi-arid areas of ukambani,Makueni County.His dream of becoming a successful pixie farmer grew from patience, endurance and commitment.
From when I was a child,I had passion of becoming a farmer.After form four,2011, I started growing vegetables but knowing that I had passion in citrus farming.
At this time,I had decided to stay home and wait for my siblings to finish high school so that I can join college because our parents were not able to raise the school fees.So I did some farming of vegetables and also planted some lemons.
When I joined college in 2015,I did general Agriculture because I need to understand agriculture as a whole thing.
In his story with Lynn Ngungi,Aron said that after graduating in 2019,the senior pixie tree gave him 120 kgs and he sold 100shillings per kg.
Here is where his dream started coming true, after getting this bulky harvest from only one tree,he asked himself,”What if I had planted more?”
After his late dad saw that he had passion in farming,he decided to give him some of his land where by he planted 1400 pixie trees.One hectare carries 200 trees.
“When you grow your pixie trees, you will start seeing flowers after 2-3years.Citrus needs less water and therefore it can be rain fed.”Aron said.
•It is seedless
•It is the sweetest of all citrus.
•It contains vitamin B and therefore good for diabetic persons.
•It does well in arid and semi-arid areas.

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