
Meet University Student making Sh. 400K Monthly from Betting

Kelvin Murithi, a second year University student has proven that staking on football games can turn someone into a millionaire when done rightly. His story is a cocktail of resilience and determination.

Recently, Kelvin made headlines after after he bagged close to 1 million shillings after he correctly predicted 90% of Jackpot games.

Speaking to local YouTuber, Kelvin disclosed that it was the third time he was almost pocketing the Jackpot grand prize.

Maze this time nilikuwa karibu kuja jackpot. The first time I predicted the outcome of over 80% of jackpot games correctly. The second time nikawahi around 70%. This time I was so close and I am confident you’ll all see me on news headline soon,” he said.

When probed further to disclose his secret, Kelvin disclosed that he has been acquiring odds from Pawa ODDS, a reputable games predictors. He disclosed that although their odds flop once in a while, they have over 80% success rate.

Pawa ODDS ndio Siri. Kitambo I was losing money Daily. A friend refered me to them and I am to date grateful. Of course once in a while inauma nje but you’ll hardly go broke with them.You can always contact them via 0784258213” he added.

According to Kelvin, he makes a profit of over Sh. 400K every month, and not less than Sh. 150K on a bad month.

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