
John Magiro: From Scoring D- In KCSE To Supplying Electricity To Over 600 Households

John Magiro, a resident of Murang’a County who has single-handedly managed to connect over 600 households with electricity, is a testimony that dark past should not define our future. Despite scoring low Grades in KCSE, Magiro has risen to be a hallmark of inspiration among youths.

Growing up, John Magiro, a 29 year old innovative man who hails from Mihito Village, Murang’a County wanted to become an engineer.

However, his candle appeared to dim after he scored a D- in Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Education (KCSE). Luckily, he did not allow the poor grades to shutter his dreams.

The Birth of John Magiro Hydro Electricity Power Plant

Hailing from a village that had no electricity connections, Magiro was determined to make a change.

At first, John Magiro exercised his kills by using a bicycle dynamo to generate electricity for personal use. Apparently, neighbors who could afford to have electricity connection from Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) requested for connection to bicycle dynamo electricity.

John Magiro realised that he could use his skills to help the community. He embarked on a mission to construct a Hydro-power plant at a waterfall along Ngondo River, that would serve the entire village.

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News of John Magiro ability to generate electricity from a bicycle dynamo spread across the Country, placing him on the limelight. National Environment Trust Fund approached him and offered to help him home his skills by sponsoring his training.

Additionally, he was given grant which he used to purchase turbines, poles and enough machines to generate electricity. In 2016, Magiro officially launched Magiro Hydro Electricity Limited and began supplying power to the community.

As at now, the company which covers over 30KM, has supplied over 600 households with electricity, serving over 3000 people. The company charges a monthly fee of Ksh. 200 and Ksh. 15,000 subscription charges.

In 2020, Magiro Hydro Electricity Limited beat over 22000 companies in Africa, and clinched the third position in Business Heroes Competition. Consequently, the company was awarded Ksh. 161M from Chinese Billionaire Jack ma under Jack ma Foundation.

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