
From a millionaire Working for NGO to a beggar: Painful Story of Dorcus Kagendo

Dorcus made it through several life steps before abruptly falling back to zero. No one wants to be in a situation where they go from being wealthy to being impoverished, yet it does happen.

Kagendo is from the Central Province of Kenya. She was an exceptionally bright young woman who began working for NGOs and respectable businesses after completing her education. Her dedication protected her from being demoted, and she earned a respectable salary.

She was even able to purchase two cars. She was wealthy this time. She even started multiple enterprises and made real estate investments.

Money wasn’t an issue for her; even after her baby daddy left, she had no trouble providing for her child.

Dorcas Kagendo was given the chance to work in Saudi Arabia after earning millions in Kenya. It was a wonderful bargain because she would receive more money than she did in Kenya.

Screenshot 20221121 150423 Samsung Notes jpg From a millionaire Working for NGO to a beggar: Painful Story of Dorcus Kagendo

But once in Saudi Arabia, everything changed. She developed a disease. She experienced kidney failures as well as other life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer.

Her health required that she be returned to Kenya. ITopay for therapy, Dorcas Kagendo was now compelled to begin selling her possessions. She disposed of everything she owned and purchased cancer and kidney failure medications.

Kagendo therefore lost everything and went broke within a few months. Her condition continued to deteriorate, and she eventually began to beg for money from strangers.

She has been having trouble because several of her pals good-willed. Despite being in stage four of the disease, she is even made to beg for food from strangers. Dorcas is now appealing to goodwilled individuals to assist her. We wish Dorcas a speedy recovery and that everything goes smoothly.

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