“Dem Wa FB ananitaka, Justina anapenda ngono Sana” Ringtone Apoko Reveals

Controversial gospel singer Ringtone Apoko shared insights on his private life, spanning from his finances, love life and music career.

The singer was speaking during an interview at NTV’s The Trend show hosted by Amina.

Speaking about the dynamics of his music career, Ringtone Apoko disclosed that he was recently forced to take a break from the internet after his accounts were freezed. According to him, his huge wealth piqued suspicion among government operatives, with some speculating that he is involved in money laundering.

Mimi huwa na maadui wakubwa, Wengi wako kwa government. So recently, a government agency freezed my accounts. I was left with no money to use, considering my flashy lifestyle and huge expenditure. I tried reaching out to my friends for help in vain,” Ringtone Apoko explained.

Speaking about the source of his income, Ringtone Apoko said that he is involved in several businesses spanning from music career to farming.

Additionally, he disclosed that he gets several gifts from Kenyans living abroad.

When I began singing, I would visit highschools and inspire students. Most of those I inspired did well life and some of them live abroad. I receive several money gifts from them as appreciation. There is a lady who recently gifted me 10,000 US dollars” he said.

Why Ringtone Apoko is yet to Marry

When the journalist probed him further on his love life, Ringtone Apoko asserted that he is single, adding that he is waiting upon God. He however expressed desire to date Dem Wa FB who he featured in his recent song, terming her as his type.

Dem Wa FB ni type Yangu… I want her to be my wife.”

Shockingly, Apoko expressed his reservations on dating Justina Syokau, who he said is a b3droom bully.

Ringtone revealed that a pastor who knows Syokau well confirmed that she was left because all she wanted was to spend time in the bedroom and nothing else.

Justina aliwachwa kwa sababu anapenda mambo ya ngono. Anapenda kushinda bedroom.”Ringtone said.

Responding to a journalist asking why he (Ringtone) continues to reject her despite Justina wanting to settle down with him, Ringtone revealed she is not his type of woman.

Ule msichana nataka kuoa, nataka tushinde tukihubiri. Lakini ule (Justina) ni mgonjwa, ni addicted. Ringtone went on.

Ata ule pastor aliniambia Justina aliwachana na bwana yake ju ya addiction. Akona addiction ya sex,”He said.

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