
Nataka Nimuoe Charlene Ruto, Vinnie Baite Says

Kenyan comedian Vinnie Baite has opened up about wanting to marry President William Ruto’s daughter Charlene Ruto.

The ‘achana nayo‘ phrase maker has shared shared on social media how he feels about the head of state’s daughter.

In his message, the comedian has further revealed that should Charlene accept his request, he will hold office of first son-in-law.

“Nataka nioe Charlene Ruto ndio Nikuwe na Office of the First Son in Law,” he said.

First Daughter Office

Charlene Ruto recently elicited mixed reactions after disclosing that she hold an office of ‘first daughter’.

Her statement received fierce criticism with many accusing the first family of creating unnecessary positions that consume taxpayers money.

Charlene has however refuted the allegations. The first daughter published a statement distancing her office from public coffers.

The office of the First Daughter is a private entity. It is neither a constitutional office nor is it being funded by taxpayers money. The office runs to purely facilitate activities and any program being run by MS. Charlene Ruto,” read part of the statement.

image 25 Nataka Nimuoe Charlene Ruto, Vinnie Baite Says

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